Tel: (281) 849-8490

Why Choose Us?
Over 30 years of Experience
Forward Thinking
Unconventional (We do things differently.)
Family-Owned Business Supporting Your Community

At Holsem, we focus on helping our community one family or individual at a time to achieve their wellness goals. We are blessed to be able to provide personalized care for each of our patients.
What does healthy mean?Good health is your body's ability to readily adapt to environmental changes, internally or externally. Being "healthy" is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a mentally, spiritually, and physically healthy lifestyle. It means your body is able to overcome stresses, viruses, infections, and injuries quickly.
Do I need to add more to my life in order to be healthy?You may think you need to add more to your life to become healthy...more exercise, more vegetables, more water, etc. This is sometimes true, however, more often than not, you actually need to remove things from your life that are preventing you from being truly healthy. Removing these road blocks while providing proper nourishment allows the body to perform at a higher level and/or heal quicker. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are blessed with a self-healing, self-regulating body. The stresses of life can create anatomical interference to the communication network of the body, rendering it incapable of performing the required tasks of timely healing or efficient regulation of physiological functions. At Holsem, we utilize a variety of modalities and techniques that allow me to quickly and effectively identify and address interferences that could be blocking your body's ability to self-heal.
What is Functional Care?Functional care is a patient-centered, results- oriented approach to health care. It requires patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of illness in order to achieve optimal wellness. We listen. We take time with our patients to review their history and compare environmental, and lifestyle factors that can affect long-term health and complex, chronic disease. Evaluations may include laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques. Strategies such as structural integrity, balance & function, nutrition, detoxification, supplementation, and/or tailored exercise programs are incorporated into our treatment plans.

Featured Supplements
DNA Sustain enhances cellular health and vitality. This proprietary formula safeguards our genetic age and longevity at the cellular level.
Full Focus Evolved formula provides an essential blend of nine ingredients carefully formulated by a leading neurologist to work together to improve brain chemistry.
This physician-developed formula provides a high-quality supplemental dose of DCI that may help enhance your body's ability to regulate blood sugar, balance hormones, and support the immune system.

Physician Designed. Pharmaceutical Grade.
Supplements by healthcare professionals, for healthcare professionals.
We'll be the first to admit that today's supplement industry is overwhelming. With endless supplements to choose from, it can be difficult to discern which products and brands you can trust. We have chosen to partner with NBX Wellness. These supplements are designed by Texas based Dr. Stewart, an acclaimed Neurotologist and Neuroimmune Specialist.
When it comes to supplements, more pills doesn't necessarily mean better. We often end up removing supplements rather than adding them to our patients daily routine. When we do suggest adding a supplement though, we want high quality supplements that also offer online education to our patients. We are thankful that NBX Wellness provides both.